This Spring we have lots of fun activities for families!
As the cost of living continues to rise, it helps that all our sessions are free and also drop-in. Run by professional, qualified staff in Early Years, our groups offer a wide range of activities for you and your children to enjoy and play together. They are an opportunity for you to meet other local families and get advice and support from the Family Centre team. As well as lots for under 5’s to enjoy! Our regular groups include.
- Baby Group (babies to pre-walkers) - drop in and meet other families with young babies in a supportive, stimulating and friendly environment. This session is for babies to play and for you to discover more about their development and support your own wellbeing as a new parent.
- Active Rhyme Time (Baby and Toddler) – a fun session including active rhymes and songs for you and your baby and toddler. The groups are a great way to meet other families and develop your child's communication and physical skills.
- Physical Fun (18 months +) - join the team for a fun, active session. A way to meet other families and enjoy lots of fun games and play opportunities to support your child with their physical development.
- Family Fun (18 months +) - fun sessions with a wide range of activities for you and your children to play together, meet other local families and the Family Centre team. As well as lots for Under 5's to enjoy, there will be activities for siblings up to the age of 8.
These groups run at different venues across Hertfordshire and you can drop into any of them, there is no need to book apart from if you want to attend Physical or Family Fun at Hertsmere. Family Support staff will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have and if you need any extra help, they can point you in the right direction. Find out details of sessions near you on our What’s On page.